Diet "6 petals": menu, allowed and prohibited foods, recipes and contraindications

diet food 6 petals

With the development of the 6 petals diet, losing about 800 g of fat per day without fasting became possible. This is just salvation for many girls. In addition, the "6 petals" diet menu for each day can include both sweets and meatballs.

6 petals diet day


The name of this weight loss system immediately resembles a fairy tale from childhood about a magical plant that fulfills any desire. It is not without reason that such a name was chosen for this program: the "petal" diet can do real wonders, as proven by those who passed. The only difference from the magical friend is that its action is directed to one narrow area - healing and restoring harmony to the body.

The "petal" diet was developed by Anna Johansson, a nutritionist from Sweden. Often this program is called "chamomile". Anna combines the idea of the "6 petals" diet with a menu for every day for 6 days with images of magical flowers. In the visualization he created, each of the 6 petals represents the day with images of separate product categories that can be consumed throughout the day. It looks complicated, but it's actually quite simple. In order for the 6 petals diet for 6 days to be effective, it is important to follow the instructions in a clear order. Observing the sequence of eating products, a person can lose 2-5 kg in one course.


The 6 petals diet menu for a week is as follows:

  • First day - only fish.
  • The second is vegetables.
  • The third is chicken.
  • Fourth - cereal, cereal.
  • Fifth - cottage cheese.
  • Sixth - fruits.

At the same time, the creators of the program do not set the exact amount of food per day. However, for the best results from using the "petal" diet for weight loss, nutritionists advise using the following restrictions: eat no more than 0. 5 kg of chicken, fish and cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables, eat nomore than 1. 5 kg per day, and dry grain - a maximum of 0. 3 kg.

How does it work?

The effectiveness of this weight loss method is explained very simply. It's all about physiology. A mono diet is a separate diet. Because only one product is consumed daily, there is no mixing of elements in the body that are incompatible with each other.

Usually someone eats everything at once, and this spoils the figure. This is due to material competition between them. This process slows down the digestion of food, and all proteins, fats and carbohydrates remain as subcutaneous fat. They are simply not digested.

With a "petal" diet, this will not happen. All valuable ingredients of each useful product are fully absorbed. This eliminates the possibility of weight gain.

According to many studies, a mono-diet lasting no more than 25 hours is very helpful in losing weight. This process is provided by the whims of the heart. This body is a kind of repository. It stores many different substances that the body does not yet need. That is, there are many stored nutrients in the liver. The key word here is many. Without receiving any other food throughout the day, the body, accustomed to various substances, will not use the full energy value of food, waiting for more to come. But to function, it needs an energy source. Subcutaneous fat will play its role. From the second half of the day, its active use will begin, which is what those who lose weight need.

Another feature of the diet, which allows you to lose weight quickly, is the replacement of proteins and carbohydrates. This should be taken into account, you need to prepare and choose the right recipe. The menu of the "6 petals" diet for a week is made in such a way that only protein foods are eaten one day, and only carbohydrate foods the other. This tricks the body into consuming the fat without feeling hungry.

The use of fat in the diet is done only from healthy products: fish, cottage cheese and meat. They do not work as a barrier to burning fat. Lipids from these foods are unsaturated and are classified as dietary. Without these elements, a healthy diet is impossible. It must always be balanced.


The Six Petals diet menu for every day is compiled taking into account many characteristics of the human body. You cannot change the day - the effect will disappear.

The amount of weight lost each day will vary depending on the characteristics of a particular person, on lifestyle and activities throughout the day. Usually lose 0. 5-0. 8 kg per day.

The recipe for the Six Petal diet will be presented in the article, but you can make something yourself. Dietary nuances do not affect the drink, but experts recommend drinking plain water, green tea and herbs, and juice.


Throughout the day, only one food category is allowed. It is worth eating often and in small portions, chewing thoroughly. In the process of passing the "six petal diet" liquids are only drunk between snacks. You can't do this while eating. The menu of the "6 petals" diet for each day is selected in such a way that the consumption of protein and carbohydrates alternates. A slight change in arrangement will destroy the principle.

Number of courses

The "6 petals" diet menu for every day can be made in several versions and take courses at least several times a month. Usually after each cycle they make a short break, and then start again. It is important, leaving the course, not relying on snacks. The state of the body is very dependent on daily nutrition. After getting rid of excess weight using the "6 petals" diet, in the future, you need to follow the principles of proper nutrition. This will keep the results for a long time.


Representatives of women from various countries have adopted diets for weight loss from "petals". They have proven their effectiveness. Doctors also stand in solidarity with them, because official medicine knows that separate nutrition leads to the fact that the body takes the most useful substances from each product, which then does not turn into fat.

stages of weight loss on the 6 petal diet

If you correctly compose a "petal" diet menu for weight loss, you do not need to feel hungry. To cheer themselves up, many women draw and carve magical flowers depicting the product, decorating it. Always catching their eye, such an image reminds them of the main goal.


The "6 petals" diet menu is calculated for 6 days and only 6 product categories. All other foods for this time are excluded from the diet. You do not need to make a complex menu of the "6 petals" diet for every day - just stop at the usual recipes.

It is most useful to cook dishes by steaming, without using oil and salt. Everyone who has successfully completed the "petal" diet course for weight loss is recommended to make a menu in advance. It is better to keep all the products needed for the week, considering the recommended amount of each of them. A standard diet would look something like this.

1 day

  • Boiled fish with minimal salt.
  • Fish baked in foil.
  • Fish soup without vegetables.
  • Steamed fish.
  • Boiled fish.

Keep in mind that the total volume of product used should not exceed 0. 5 kg for the best effect.

2 days

  • Salad with white cabbage and lemon juice.
  • Chopped carrots.
  • Mashed potatoes without oil.
  • Baked tomatoes.
  • Raw vegetables.

3 days

  • boiled chicken.
  • Chicken bouillon.
  • Baked chicken.
  • Boiled chicken.
  • Boiled breast.

4 days

  • Oatmeal on water with honey.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Millet porridge.
  • rice

5 days

  • Fat-free kefir.
  • Curd with yogurt.
  • Cottage cheese casserole.
  • Skim cheese.
  • milk.

6 days

  • Baked apples with honey.
  • Citrus.
  • pineapple.
  • peaches.
  • Apple.

Between meals, they drink water, tea. On the same day, make sure you drink fish, chicken, vegetable soup.

fish day

Diet "Six petals" with a menu for each day starting with fish day. You can eat fatty meat, but you can't fry it and eat canned food.

diet fish 6 petals

Fish contains a lot of healthy omega-3 acids, which are antioxidants. For this reason, the ingredients in its composition are very important for the body and do not lead to a set of overweight. It is very useful to drink the soup left after cooking the product.

Recipes for fish dishes

The recipe for the "Six Petals" diet does not go into detail. But there are general recommendations on this matter from nutritionists. To cook fish in a double boiler, it is advisable to take salmon fillets, chum salmon and salt. Then put it in a double boiler, put the vegetables on it.

To bake it in the oven, it is allowed to salt and coat the product with garlic and herbs. Wrapped in foil, bake the dish in the oven.

For the preparation of fish soup, it is better to give preference to the low-fat type. The carcass must be cut and lowered into a pot with cold water, add herbs and salt. Cook until the fish is done.

vegetable day

The "6 petals" diet menu for every day of the second course is designed to eat vegetables. It is allowed to eat it raw, boiled, baked or grilled, steam. It is useful to include soups, juices in the diet.

Although it is believed that vegetables contain high carbohydrates, on a given day, the number of calories absorbed will be small. Plant foods also contain many vitamins and minerals that will be beneficial.

vegetable recipe

To prepare a delicious stew mixture, you need to combine tomatoes with carrots, cabbage, peppers, eggplant and onions. After cutting the onions, they are thrown into the pan, then, adding grated carrots, they are boiled. Spread the rest of the vegetables on top, add water and salt. Stir and simmer until cooked.

Broccoli cabbage is very useful. It is boiled, seasoned with lemon juice, dried herbs.

6 petal diet vegetables

For tomato soup, take 0. 5 kg of tomatoes and boil them in a pan, add garlic and salt. After 10 minutes, pour some water. The level is controlled, taking into account the desired consistency. Boil until done. Then basil is added by mixing the mixture in a blender.

chicken day

In the 3rd stage of the program, only chicken is eaten throughout the day. It is boiled, boiled and baked, soup is boiled. It is high in protein and low in calories. At the same time, protein foods quickly fill the body, so there will be no hunger.

Recipe for cooking chicken meat

Incredibly delicious chicken breast pieces cooked in a double boiler out. To make it, they take chicken, finely chopped, add eggs (allowed as an exception, because it is also a protein product), salt and herbs. Blinding the cutlet in this way, it is placed in a double boiler.

To bake in the oven, the chicken fillet is rubbed with salt and herbs, then, wrapped in foil, spread on a baking sheet. Cooking time - 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

To boil the meat deliciously, it is cut into cubes, placed in a pan. Sprinkle salt and herbs, add water, and then boil until tender.

cereal day

On day 4, a dieter's entire diet will consist of only grains. They are boiled, poured with water and wait until they swell. Let's sprinkle them with salt.

Porridge is a complex carbohydrate, its digestion is a long process. Therefore, there is no hunger on this day. In addition, grains cleanse the body.

porridge with beans for a diet of 6 petals

You can eat nuts, sprinkled with porridge. Kvass can be used as a drink.

Recipe for cereal day

An unusual dish is buckwheat cutlets baked in the oven. To prepare it, boil 100 g buckwheat, a little salt. Then the grain is mixed in a blender with herbs. Next, cutlets are formed from the mass and baked for 20 minutes.

You can make homemade muesli. To do this, pour oats with boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. You can add nuts or prunes to it.

It is acceptable to cook oatmeal cookies. To do this, mix 150 g of oatmeal with 1 glass of skim milk. After extinguishing the soda on the tip of a teaspoon, it is added to the mixture. Then sprinkle with a pinch of vanilla. As soon as the mass swells, cookies are formed from it and laid out in the oven, covered with foil. Cooking time - 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

cottage cheese day

On the second day, only curd products are eaten. The most optimal is to use only low-fat products, it is allowed to fill them with low-fat yogurt. Wash dishes with milk, kefir. The product is replaced with ricotta or cheese. But it should be remembered that cottage cheese is the most useful, due to its low calorie content and the absence of salt in its composition.

cottage cheese for diet 6 petals

This is a protein product with trace elements useful for human bones, for example, calcium.

The recipe uses cottage cheese

Cottage cheese casserole that can be prepared on this diet day is very popular. To do this, mix cottage cheese with eggs, a tablespoon of semolina (a small amount of foreign products does not violate), raisins, 5 tablespoons of yogurt, cinnamon or vanilla. After kneading the dough from these ingredients, it is laid out in a mold and cooked in an oven with steam (for this, a container of water is placed under the baking sheet).

Cheesecake will be healthy and delicious. Their recipe is simple: you need to mix 1 pack of fat-free cottage cheese with a spoonful of semolina and an egg. From the resulting mixture, form a wash and bake in the oven or fry in a pan without oil.

For dessert, special dishes are available. To do this, whip cottage cheese with half a cup of coffee in a blender, adding sweetener. When bubbles form, the dessert is ready.

fruit day

The full course of the "petal" diet ends with a fruitful day. Eat this product in food and raw, and in salads, and baked. They contain complex carbohydrates, but most of them are low in calories. This contributes to a person's rapid weight loss. You can not eat bananas and grapes on this day, because they are high in calories and sucrose.

Fruit Recipes

Very tasty and healthy fruit smoothie. To prepare it, mango and pineapple are mixed in a blender, adding mint.

To prepare fresh raspberries, beat these berries in a blender, and then sprinkle with powdered sugar.

fruits for diet 6 petals

You can prepare a salad from chopped kiwi, watermelon, citrus, mango. The mixture is poured with lemon juice and a spoonful of honey, and then stirred.


The Swedish weight loss system is usually carried out in 4 courses. But the exact number of repetitions is chosen by a person independently. You need to pay attention to changes in your condition in the process of observing the regimen. The choice depends on how much weight you want to lose. For some, one course will be enough, and for others, more than four. Be sure to pause between 6 days, during which they eat the most common foods, excluding flour and sweets from the diet.

How to get off the diet

With special responsibility, you need to take this course. In the first days after stopping the diet, it is worth eating only the food that was included in the diet 6 days before, gradually connecting other dishes.

It is important to make a varied and high-calorie diet not immediately. You can start the course again only 30 days after completing 4 circles.

To understand what exactly to eat after completing the course, you need to listen to the sensations in the body. It successfully separates milk from harmful products at this time and can tell you what is better. You need to continue to limit yourself in the consumption of sweet, fried and fatty foods. Cooking is most useful in ovens and double boilers. And don't forget about physical activity, making your lifestyle more active.

Often, nutritionists are asked whether coffee is allowed. This question is most often answered by the answer that it is allowed to drink a cup a day of this drink without adding sugar to it. At this dose, it will do no harm. But it is more useful to brew tea or drink herbal decoction that leads to weight loss.


Like any nutritional system, this diet has some contraindications. So, you should not use it for people who have:

  • chronic liver disease;
  • stomach peptic ulcer;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • any disease, the treatment of which is accompanied by a change in diet;
  • heart disease;
  • This method of losing weight is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.

The circle of those who are allowed to diet is quite wide, because this system does not cause hunger. However, before using it, you should consult a doctor and consult with him about this. After determining the patient's health level, he will make a decision. If you follow all the instructions, the fat will leave the body in a short time. Consultation with a specialist is necessary in order not to harm yourself, it is better to take care of this.


For those who want to turn their diet into an exciting adventure, we have released the Diet 6 Petals app for phones and tablets. It contains all the necessary information about each day of the program. It also selects a diet, showing recipes for recommended dishes to eat. In addition, it builds a weight loss schedule for the user.


Experts have repeatedly called this power supply system very effective, because it is implemented based on the principle of separate power supply. It has been officially proven that the principle promotes weight loss. To achieve maximum results, in the process of losing weight, you should follow these tips:

  • Eat fractionally, with light meals.
  • Drink as much water as possible.
  • Play sports.
  • Do not start a diet immediately after an illness: the body must recover first.
  • Choose fresh produce, do not prepare ahead of time.
  • It is not forbidden to eat salt and spices, but it is worth reducing their number: they stimulate appetite and cause fluid stagnation in the body.
  • Avoid alcoholic products, as they are high in calories and stimulate the appetite.

Nutritionist's opinion

The creator of the system, Anna Johansson, during development supported the weight loss of female representatives psychologically. He added floral images to his prescriptions by painting them with his own hands. With the help of this symbol, he said that the program helps improve the body, look at yourself with love. Even the most effective diet does not lead to the desired results if it pushes a woman into severe depression and stress, Anna believes.

Therefore, he builds his diet in a playful way, every day he brings respect for himself and satisfaction from himself. In the original version, each slender woman carved her own magical flower, just like the one Anna had drawn.

Each woman chooses her own plants: lilies, roses, orchids. It has 6 petals, which are gradually removed by a person who loses weight.

After cutting out a whimsical calendar from paper and tearing off its petals every day, you can feel that the day is not spent in vain and benefits the figure. This leads to an increase in self-esteem, because this is a clear illustration of the fact that a person has overcome temptation and strengthened his will.

Each petal is signed so as not to get confused in it. According to a study that interviewed women following this diet, those who followed this recommendation by hanging their plants in the refrigerator had the best results.


If a woman aims to maintain excellent shape after this diet, she should gradually increase the calorie content of the diet. In the future, you need to adhere to separate dietary rules as much as possible. This will keep you healthy and in perfect shape for years to come.